Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sodomites attempt to smear Fletcher

Sodomite supporters at Kentucky Equality Federation attempt to define the legacy of Republican Governor Fletcher. They forget all the jobs he brought to Kentucky and the budget surplus.


Anonymous said...

Stan Lee lost i do not know what to do.

The new governor will let the homosexuals take over the state and violate God's word.

Anonymous said...

Luckily, the state isn't solely in the hand of biggoted freaks who only quote half scriptures and pull random verses out of chapters that are otherwise totally ignored! When was the last time you dined on ham? Shaved your beard? Do you use the WHOLE Old testament or just the parts that suit your agenda? You pollute the word of the God you consider to be your creator and you bend it to your will instead of His. There's a special place in HELL for people who further their own agenda in the name of their Creator.