Showing posts with label Gays Destroy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gays Destroy. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

God punished New York because of gay marriage law

The destructive impact of hurricane/tropical storm Sandy on New York could be God's vengeance for homosexual marriages being legal in that state. New York has never seen a storm like this before. Why? It is the vengeance of God. Though God does not openly show his awesome power as he did when destroying Sodom and Gomorrah for homosexuality, God controls nature.

Sodomites and non God fearing people at Kentucky Equality Federation, Lexington Fairness, Marriage Equality Kentucky, and Louisville Fairness Campaign should witness the warning of God.

Marriage Equality Kentucky people say they are disenfranchised because they cannot marry a person of the same sex, goat, pig, or what have you. If you support one of these organizations especially Marriage Equality Kentucky, repent now and become righteous before the clock chimes midnight.

We cannot even count on the Lexington Herald Leader or the Louisville Courier Journal to be objective, as Ann Coulter said they are corrupt progressives with each endorsing Obama and the gay agenda.

As Brother John McTernan posted, When God Judges a Nation For Homosexuality. Some of the article is below, or read it all.

I want to clear something up. I am not saying this super destructive hurricane was because of the homosexual act. The Holy God of Israel will judge individuals for their sinful acts.

What I am saying is the judgment is for the government promoting homosexual “marriage” as an ordinance. Once a nation legalizes sin, like abortion and homosexual “marriage”: that nation falls under the direct judgment of the Holy God of Israel. God does not destroy a nation right away but first warns.

Also, the judgment comes from more than homosexuality. Abortion and pressuring Israel to divide God’s covenant land also brings severe judgment.

It now appears that the warnings for God are coming to an end, and the destructive judgments have arrived.

America has not repented of promoting the homosexual agenda so the judgments will not stop. You can be angry with me, but it does not change that America has fallen under the judgment hand of the Holy God of Israel. God will not tolerate homosexual “marriage”. It is the end of the line with sin.

Isaiah 26:9 With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.

The following is a teaching from the Bible which shows what triggers God’s judgment on a nation. America is now nearly fully engaged in making these sins ordinances.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

If marriage loses, we all lose

The indispensible social pillar of marriage is being undermined and marginalized in our national discourse. I am concerned that some conservative leaders are backing down in their defense of marriage while making overt concessions to the pro-homosexual community.

Tragically, we are seeing a trend within conservative ranks de-emphasizing the importance of defending marriage from the attacks of pro-homosexual activists. And pro-marriage initiatives appear to be declining at the very time they are most desperately needed!

Some conservative leaders are either avoiding the issue or are actively diminishing the role of the marriage issue in 2012’s campaigns. There are even suggestions that natural marriage may not get much support at all in 2012’s conservative party platforms.

This retreat is totally unacceptable! If marriage loses, we all lose!

The Honorable Ken Blackwell, a Visiting Professor of Law at Liberty University School of Law and highly respected political commentator, recently said it this way:
“Marriage is the union of one man and one woman. The fundamental institution of human civilization should be preserved as it has been known through the entirety of American history and Western civilization.”

Respected conservative columnist Don Feder also weighed into this controversy:
“Surrender on gay marriage is surrender on marriage – which is surrender on the family and, ultimately, surrender on civilization. Unfortunately, many conservative intellectuals have lost sight of a crucial fact: American exceptionalism rests on three pillars – faith, family, and freedom. Remove any one, and the entire structure collapses.”

If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? The fact is, you and I and other enlightened pro-family citizens are going to have to be the ones who come forward to defend natural marriage in America!

I urge you to take a moment to sign our Statement of Support upholding the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

We are calling on all of our friends and supporters to insist that President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice (DOJ), congressional leaders, and military leaders actively comply with and defend the Defense of Marriage Act! This duly-passed act of the United States Congress is the law of the land and will remain so until that status is changed due to a holding by the U.S. Supreme Court!

Click here to sign Statement of Support upholding the federal Defense of Marriage Act:

As you know, we are also incensed that activist judges have ruled in favor of same-sex “marriage” at the expense of society’s greater good in several states where the clear majority of voters support marriage as being a union between one man and one woman.

This proposed law must also be defeated.

Liberty Counsel Action is on the front lines of marriage’s defense.

This battle for traditional marriage and family has enormous national significance and a split in conservative opinion on marriage only encourages the homosexual community’s quest for full national recognition of same-sex “marriage.”

Monday, June 2, 2008

Reporting to work in Kentucky state government in drag

The sex group Kentucky Equality Federation was the first to cheer about Gov. Beshear signing an executive order protecting people who are homosexual from being fired or not hired in state government. I have no problem with that, but what I do have a problem with is the addition of 'gender identity.'

I am very interested in knowing exactly what this covers. Does this mean if a man comes dressed in drag to work that no one can fire 'it'?

I am told the chair(it)* of the other statewide sex group 'Kentucky Fairness Alliance' is a drag queen and walks around most of the time pretending to actually be a woman. If that is not a mental disorder, what would qualify as one?

*The term chair(it) was used because I do not think you can safely call someone who walks around all day dressed as a woman a chairman or a chairwoman.

Folks, we are in a time when all Christian values are under attack. Both statewide sex groups have setup political action committees to no doubt elect more homosexuals to public office and get Christians out of public office.

Kentucky Equality Federation has established Kentucky Equality PAC and give Baptist Christians like State House Rep. C. B. Embry an 'equality rating' of 16% because he did not answer every question presented by Kentucky Equality PAC in support of their gay agenda.

If we did not have people like Rep. Embry and Senate President David Williams in office the next thing the sex groups would do is infuse a "gay" influence into public school curricula by teaching some families have two daddies, or two mommies. Those are not the values our country was founded on. They can try to deny Christian values did not have a role in writing our constitution all they want, but if you read it, you can clearly see it.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

‘Gay Rights’ Icon Frank Kameny Says Bestiality OK ‘as Long as the Animal Doesn’t Mind’

Frank Kameny — the “gay” pioneer revered by homosexual activists for his role in pressuring the American Psychiatric Association to effectively reclassify homosexuals as normal — now says that sex with animals is OK “as long as the animal doesn’t mind.”

“Bestiality is not my thing … But it seems to be a harmless foible or idiosyncrasy of some people. So, as long as the animal doesn’t mind (and the animal rarely does), I don’t mind, and I don’t see why anyone else should.”

How exactly does an animal signal his or her “consent” to have sex with a human?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Gays destroy church

Divisions over sexual ethics could be harmful in the relations between the Anglican Church [Church of England] and the Catholic Church, a cardinal in Rome said.

Speaking to the Pope and cardinals in a private meeting three weeks ago Cardinal Walter Kasper, head of the Pontifical Council for promoting Christian unity, said that there were disagreements with the Anglicans that had stalled talks.

"While progress is being made on theological divisions, new divergences are emerging in the ethical field," he said.

"These concern in particular the questions related to the defence of life, to marriage, to the family, and to human sexuality.

"Because of these new divisions that are being created, common public witness is significantly weakened, if not impossible."

Cardinal Kasper said that a Vatican document was published earlier this year stating that the Church of England was not a "proper church," a position still held by the Vatican.

He said that the discontent caused by the Vatican's position was unjustified, because it had not affirmed anything new, but restated the Catholic view.

"The crisis taking place within the respective Communities is clearly exemplified by the situation that has arisen in the Anglican Communion, which is not an isolated case," Cardinal Kasper noted.

The issue of homosexuality has sparked controversy in the Anglican Church, with traditionalist positions opposed to attempts of bringing in more liberal views.

In 2003 the Church of England announced that an openly gay priest was going to be appointed Bishop of Reading, although reactions from traditionalists eventually hindered his appointment.

In 2006 the Bishop of Oxford Richard Harries said that "there has to be a conversion to a new way to see that gay partnerships are not contrary to biblical truth."

The Roman Catholic Church, on the other hand, has always compactly criticised any forms of acceptance of homosexual behaviour, which is seen as a sin.